Monday, November 18, 2013

St. Valentine

You may think it is funny but St. Valentine and I have something in common. We both will not let go of our beliefs as a Christian. The reason why I love St.Valentine is because he helped people believe in God and become Christian. He helped martyrs in persecution and gave his life up for faith and love for God. One great story that everybody knows is when he helped a blind girl who was the daughter of a jail guard see. The guard had faith in St.Valentine and continued to take his daughter to him. The guard mourned when he found out that St. Valentine was in jail. The faithful saint sent a letter to the guard's daughter and she gained her eyesight. The guard wanted to say thank you to Valentine, but he was already executed. The guard and his daughter grieved for him. In a way, they had faith, which is a true Christian/Catholic spirit. God bless St. Valentine for his life and faith!

St. Mary's Bellevue, NE
6th Grade

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