Wednesday, January 08, 2014

Symbols that Surround

The first photo is one of 4 in our main hallway that greet our students everyday with two beautiful faces and the word ‘Inspire.'

The second photo is our Convent/School chapel that is our quiet spot for reflection right off the playground.

The last photo is actually, our symbol and theme for the whole school. Created by the class of 2014 (while they were 7th grade students last year) they inspire themselves and the entire community with their theme/symbol. As you can see it is the symbol of the Star. We do this each year with our 7th grade in anticipation of their 8th grade year. We receive a new symbol and them that is unique to each graduating class. (completely generated by the students. No adult influence at all.

School of the Madeleine
Berkeley, CA 94709
@21stCenPrinKW  Twitter
@the_madeleine  Twitter

Stand Out! Stand Together! Stand Strong!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Beautiful & inspiring!